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Schools Excess Liability Fund
Statewide Public Education Agency, Sacramento, California

SELF is a not-for-profit, joint powers authority governed by the membership and run by a full-time staff, dedicated solely to SELF and its members.

Founded in 1986 in response to a nationwide insurance crisis, SELF was the answer for California schools and colleges that were suddenly unable to purchase excess liability coverage at an affordable price. The creation of SELF, under Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5, Article 1 of the California Government Code, made the insurance market more bearable for all schools, not just its members.

Our organization represents approximately 3 million students and our members include many K-12 districts, community college districts, charter schools, county offices of education and regional occupational programs.

Our mission: Providing quality risk management solutions to schools and the students they serve.

Schools Excess Liability Fund is based in Sacramento and has a 1,000 square foot conference facility located in its administrative offices. The facility is available from 8 to 5 Monday through Friday. Members in need of a place to hold meetings should contact our office to reserve a date.

The facility will comfortably accommodate a meeting of 30-35 people. Please be aware that conference center services, such as audio visual services, catering, catering clean-up post event, photo copying and other amenities are not available from SELF staff, however, we may be able to suggest appropriate vendors for those needs.

You can e-mail SELF’s Executive Assistant Susan Casey to reserve the room. Please include your name, organization, phone number and number of people attending the meeting.

© 2024 Schools Excess Liability Fund

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