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Does SELF offer coverage for specific events?

Schools Excess Liability Fund does offer general liability coverage on a one-time basis for specific events. Click here to access the Certificate of Coverage Request form.



Can I have my certificate of coverage sent via e-mail?

If you would like your coverage document sent via e-mail, make a notation in the comments box near the bottom of the on-line request form.



Who is the Certificate Holder?

The Certificate Holder is the name as you would like it to appear on the Certificate of Coverage document. Usually they are the entity holding the event.



What is the Additional Covered Party?

A person other than the named insured who is protected under the terms of the contract. Usually, additional insureds are added by endorsement or referred to in the wording of the definition of "insured" in the policy itself



How do I get my certificate renewed?

To renew a Certificate of Coverage, simply fill out the brief Certificate Renewal Form in advance of your certificate's expiration date.



What is the amount of coverage "In Excess Amount"?

This is the amount over the Self-Insured Retention (SIR) your district carries with Schools Excess Liability Fund. Members carry retention levels between $1 million and $5 million.

Does self offer coverage
can I have my certificate
who is the certificate holder
what is the additional covered party
how do I get my certificate renewed
what is the amoun of coverage in excess amount

FAQ - Coverage Docs

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