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FAQ - Average Daily Attendance/FTES

  • When will the Average Daily Attendance and Full-Time Equivalent Student numbers be available?

  • Where does SELF get the ADA/FTES information for the Excess Liability Program?

  • How does SELF calculate member contributions?


When will the Average Daily Attendance and Full-Time Equivalent Student numbers be available?

SELF anticipates receiving these numbers in the early Spring from the California Department of Education.and the California Community College Chancellor's Office respectively.



Where does SELF get the ADA/FTES information for the Excess Liability Program?

SELF receives a file from the California Department of Education with the Lottery ADA as given by the Principal Apportionment Unit. SELF receives a file from the California Community College Chancellor's Office with the Full Time Equivalent Student (FTES) numbers that are used for community colleges.


​How does SELF calculate member contributions?

SELF multiplies the total raw ADA/FTES in the files mentioned above by the statewide average rate of excused absences. That number is 1.04446 for school districts and 0.8822 for community colleges, as dictated by the California State Government Code 8880.5. The final ADA/FTES number is then multiplied by the applicable rate per/ADA/FTES to get the total contribution.

when will the average daily attendance
where does self get the ADA info
what other factors

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